MITAK - 500 ml , 20% Amitraz, Varroa, BEE (SIMILAR TO SCABATOX , KENAZ)

MITAK - 500 ml , 20% Amitraz, Varroa, BEE (SIMILAR TO SCABATOX , KENAZ)

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Mitak 500 ml , 20% Amitraz, Varroa

Commercial name: MITAK

Active substance: AMITRAZ (20%)

Therapeutic Action: Bees Treatment of Varroosis.

Therapeutic Group: Antiparasitic

Form: Antiparasitic Solution

Presentation: Bottle x 500 ml solution

Mitak means to control Varroa in Beekeeping.

The preparation works reliably as a solution in vaseline oil by treatment using a smoke cannon.


- 10 ML is mixed with 100 ml of paraffin oil (applied with a furetto) or 4-5-6 drops depending on the strength of the bee families.

- Use 0.65 ML Mitak mixed with 1.35 ml oil (put it with a syr on the napkin above the nest) . A 4-layer napkin is preferable.

- 600-800 bee families are treated with 500 ML.