Baneocin powder, 2x 10 g, Sandoz

Baneocin powder, 2x 10 g, Sandoz

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Baneocin powder, 10 g, Sandoz 

Baneocin is a combination of antibiotics exclusively for external use that contains bacitracin and neomycin, blood antibacterials with a strong local activity. Bacitracin acts mainly on gram-positive germs: Haemolytic streptococcus, staphylococci, Clostridia, Corynebacterium diphteriae as well as on Pneumonia pallidum and several gram-negative germs; Neisserii and Haemophilus influenzae. It also acts on actinomycetes and fusobacteria.
Resistance to bacitracin is rarely seen. Neomycin acts on gram-positive and negative germs: Staphylococci, Proteus, Enterobacter aerogenes, Klebsiella preumoniae, Salmonella, Shigella, Hemophillus influenzae, Pasteurella, Neisseria meningitidis, Vibrio cholerae, Bordetella pertussis, Bacillus anthracis, Coryterus fa, Coryneb, Coryneoc, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Borrelia and Leptospira interrogans (L. icterohaemoragie) are also suppurated. The combination of the two antibiotics allows to obtain a broad antibacterial spectrum that does not include Pseudomonas, Nocardia, fungi and viruses. Bacitracin and neomycin are not normally administered systemically. Local applications with Baneocin powder or ointment substantially reduce the risk of sensitization to systemic antibiotics. Baneocin is well tolerated. Tissue tolerance is excellent and the drug is not inactivated by secretions or blood components of its tissues. If the drug is applied to large lesions, the potential absorption of the drug as well as its consequences must be considered (see "Side effects", "Contraindications", "Special warnings").

Baneocin is active in all infections caused by pathogenic germs sensitive to neomycin and / or bacitracin. The action of Baneocin ointment is intensified by a dressing. Baneocin powder: - Bacterial infections of the skin of small extent, eg: Herpes simplex, Shingles / chickenpox vesicles, suppurative contagious impetigo, infected leg ulcers, infected eczema, buttock dermatitis (in newborns) infected with bacteria. Prevention of umbilical infections in newborns. After surgery (dermatological) Baneocin powder can be used as an adjunct in postoperative care (excisions and cauterizations, treatment of cracks, perineal rupture, episiotomy, wounds and suppurating scars). Baneocin ointment: Focal bacterial skin infections: Boils, anthrax (after surgical treatment), chin follicle, deep follicle, suppurative hydrosadenitis, periporitis, perionyxis. Limited skin infections: Contagious impetigo, infected leg ulcers, infected secondary eczema, secondary infected wounds and cuts, hot water scalds, burns, cosmetic surgery and skin grafts (also prophylactic and ointment dressings). After surgery: Baneocin ointment can be used as an adjunct during postoperative care: Baneocin ointment spread on gauze buttocks is effective in patients with infections or wounds (eg external ear canal infections, wounds or surgical bedsores). hot water scalds, burns, cosmetic surgery and skin grafts (also prophylactic and ointment dressings). After surgery: Baneocin ointment can be used as an adjunct during postoperative care: Baneocin ointment spread on gauze buttocks is effective in patients with infections or wounds (eg external ear canal infections, wounds or surgical bedsores). hot water scalds, burns, cosmetic surgery and skin grafts (also prophylactic and ointment dressings). After surgery: Baneocin ointment can be used as an adjunct during postoperative care: Baneocin ointment spread on gauze buttocks is effective in patients with infections or wounds (eg external ear canal infections, wounds or surgical bedsores).

Baneocin powder / ointment: 1 g contains: Bacitracin zinc: 250 IU, Neomycin sulfate: 5000 IU (5 mg).

Method of administration:
Apply a thin layer of powder or ointment to the wound, possibly covered with a bandage.
Dosage: Generally 2-4 applications with Baneocin-powder or 2-3 with Baneocin-ointment per day, both in adults and children. In patients with burns covering more than 20% of the body surface, Baneocin will be applied only once a day (particularly in patients with reduced renal function), as the active substances can be absorbed. In the case of a local treatment it is recommended not to exceed a dose of 1 g of neomycin per day (corresponding to 200 g of Baneocin powder or ointment) for 7 days. If repeated, the dose will be halved.

Known hypersensitivity to bacitracin and / or neomycin or to other aminoglycoside antibiotics. Baneocin should not be used in severe extensive skin lesions as absorption of the drug may cause ototoxicity to hearing loss. If uncontrolled absorption is possible, Baneocin should not be used in patients with severe excretory disorders of cardiac or renal origin or in those with vestibular and / or cochlear lesions. In case of perforated eardrum, do not apply Baneocin in the external auditory canal. Do not apply Baneocin to the ocular mucosa.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: In case of possible resorption, Baneocin should be used with caution; neomycin, like all aminoglycoside antibiotics, crosses the placenta. The appearance of cochlear lesions on the face has been described in the case of parenteral administration of high doses.

Side effects:
In external applications, on the skin, mucous membranes and wounds, Baneocin is generally well tolerated. Scaling, dry skin, skin congestion and itching can rarely occur. Applied in chronic dermatoses (eg congestive dermatoses) and chronic otitis media, Baneocin promotes sensitization to a large number of different substances, including neomycin. This can be manifested by poor response to treatment. In certain situations, allergic reactions may occur. Allergies in the form of contact eczema are extremely rare. Neomycin allergy is associated in approximately 50% of cases with a cross-allergy to other aminoglycoside antibiotics. In patients with extensive skin lesions, absorption of Baneocin and its consequences (eg vestibular and cochlear lesions,
Interactions (due to systemic absorption): In case of systemic absorption, concomitant administration of cephalosporins or other aminoglycosides may potentiate nephrotoxicity. Simultaneous use of diuretics, such as ethacrynic acid or furosemide, may also aggravate oto- and nephrotoxicity. In patients receiving narcotics, anesthetics or muscle relaxants, the absorption of Baneocin may potentiate neuromuscular blockade.

Warnings and precautions:
In case of higher than prescribed doses (especially in patients with trophic ulcers), careful observation of nephrotoxic and / or ototoxic signs is recommended due to the possibility of absorption of Baneocin. In patients with reduced hepatic and / or renal function, both urine and blood tests and audiometric tests will be performed before and during intensive treatment with Baneocin, due to the increased risk of toxic effects. The possibility of ototoxicity requires prudent use in the case of older chronic otitis media. In case of perforated eardrum do not apply in the external auditory canal. In patients with acidosis, myasthenia gravis or other neuromuscular diseases, if uncontrolled absorption may occur, attention should be directed to neuromuscular blockages. Calcium and neostigmine can prevent such blockages. In prolonged treatments, the possibility of resistant germs, especially fungi, should be considered. In such cases, the most appropriate treatment will be given. In case of allergy or superinfections, the treatment is stopped.

10 g

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