Bronhoklir for productive cough, 15 sachets, Stada
Bronchoclerosis for productive cough. Regulates and normalizes mucus secretion in people with productive cough. Proven immunostimulatory and anti-inflammatory effect of thyme extract. Supports the sputum process through extracts from Ciuboțica-cucului, with a high content of bioactive substances. Optimal intake of antioxidants through the rich content of vitamin C of Ciuboțica-cuckoo extract which ensures faster recovery after an episode of respiratory infection.
Composition: Cucumber extract and Thyme extract, enriched with echinacea, anise and eucalyptus oil, vitamin A, C and E.
Advantages-Regulates and normalizes mucus secretion in people who report episodes of productive cough. It has a proven immunostimulatory effect due to its natural composition and high content of vitamin C. It supports faster recovery of the body after an episode of respiratory tract infection. Provides an optimal intake of antioxidants.
Recommendations for use: Adults and children over 12 years of age: one sachet of syrup (5 ml) 3 times a day. The recommended duration of use is one week.
Presentation: 15 sachets x5 ml.